Mallory Jane

Children are loving reminders of what we are really here for.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Highway 50 here they come!

Who would have thought you'd have that much excitement about driving down Highway 50.

Mallory and Wendy are on their way home from the hospital.

Next check-up in 2 weeks.

Wow -- amazing for sure!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Better Today

Madison and Logan got to come and visit yesterday. The hospital is still really tight on who they let in for visits but very nice that they all got to be together on Sunday. Mallory has much more energy today. Playing, singing and keeping Wendy and Scott on their toes -- talking a mile a minute in the background. Wendy said, she has been doing some 'preschool' homework and has been getting to ride the trike in her cowgirl hat, germy mask (not sure what those things are really called), flower tights and slippers. Can't you just see her! It seems like the prayers and positive thoughts are helping :) Keep them coming!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Back to Children's Hospital in Omaha

It's been awhile since Mallory's Blog has been updated. She has been doing so great so there was really no need to update it. On Tuesday, November 10th, Mallory was thought to have pnemonia. It turns out that the fluid on her lungs is being caused by rejection. Mallory needs lots of prayers right now. We are all very hopeful that by adjusting her meds, things will get back on track very soon. Mallory just turned 4 in June and is quite the little girl. Amazing people every day with her spunky personality!

One of our friends will try to update this blog for us to help keep all of our family and friends up to date so that you all know what we need you to be praying for. Thank you so much for your positive thoughts and prayers.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Happy Fall ya'll

O.K. Already!!! I have had a lot of subtle, and not so subtle hints, to get this page updated. Mallory is doing great!! She is doing everything a three year old is supposed to do, and everything a three year old is not supposed to do. :)

Mallory has started pre-school. Can you believe I have sent her into a classroom with 8 other kids ? She loves it and is already talking about when she can ride the school bus with Logan and Madison. She sings and runs EVERYWHERE! It is just amazing to see her like this. I was just thinking I need to get some new pictures of her on this page so you all can see how great she is doing. there has also been a new development. I have gone back to work 3 days per week for Dr. Gutz and Dr. Kohler. Yes, not only does Mallory go to preschool, but she also attends a wonderful in home day care three days. She really likes it there and is adjusting well. There are a few tears every now and then, but I wipe them away before I start driving so I can see the road. :)

We took a vacation to Valentine, NE this summer and spent a week with our heart friends the Tinant family. Their kids and ours are very close in age and are so much alike it is spooky! Their youngest daughter, Taryn , has HLHS, just like Mal did. Taryn has been able to go through the first two surgeries and will be having the third stage next year. Keep them in your prayers.

The remainder of the summer involved a lot of the time at the swimming pool, going to softball and baseball games, and more swimming. Mal loves the pool and at the end of August started putting her head under the water and opening her eyes to see who is under there with her. She even started going off the diving board! Our friend Lynn was in the water to catch her. :) We have now moved on to Logan playing full contact Football and Madison taking Jazz and Ballet dance classes. Mallory loves to learn the dance moves right along with her sister, and cheers from the sidelines for Logan. She also loves riding in the tractor with Scott and checking cattle with him. It reminds us so much of Logan at that age.

Mallory sees Dr. Gumbiner in October. A few days before we see him she always has a blood draw so he can check her medication levels. We do the blood draw at St. E's in Lincoln then see Dr. G in Omaha. We were running errands in Linclon the other day and drove past St. E's. From the back seat comes this little voice, "HEY MOMMMEEE! That's where I go for my blood drop! Do we go there today? Cause I don't like da pokey fingey day do dare. But I get two prizes and lots of stickers when I all done!" :)

Thank you all for always asking about Mallory and the rest of the family. We appreciate it. Well, you know me, it will most likely be a while before I get back to posting things, but don't worry, I'll get there! Have a wonderful fall!

Wendy and Mallory

Friday, April 25, 2008


I can't believe that last year at this time Mallory and I were sitting at SLCH waiting for the final o.k. before receiving the greatest gift-her gift of life. Mallory is doing great. Her Biopsy and Cath went very well. Everything is just where it should be, no rejection! Another bit of good news is that Mallory will not have to do another biopsy or cath. for two years! Can you believe it? I know I am having a hard time believing it. Dr. Gumbiner said the only reason we would do a cath or biopsy before then would be if there were any outward signs of rejection or concerns. And we all know that isn't going to happen, right?!

I am so emotional today. I keep thinking about how we are celebrating this miracle for Mallory and are SO lucky to still have her with us. But my heart goes out to Da Marcus's family and I am humbled knowing they are thankful they could help save 4 lives, but at the same time still grieve the loss of their son. Please remember them in your prayers of Thanksgiving. Without their incredible gift so many others wouldn't be celebrating today.

Thank you to everyone who still asks about Mallory and our family, and those who still pray for us. You have all been a great support to us. One last note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOTT!! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!

p.s. Happy Birthday to Jeff too! :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Little Fall

Yep, Mallory is a total toddler. She broke her arm. I hope you are smiling as you are reading this, because Scott and I are just happy she has enough energy to be climbing on chairs, and falling off them. that's how she broke her right arm. She fell off the side of the recliner. She has a half cast, so we are able to take it off every few days and give her a really good bath. She is doing great with the cast and has even learned how to use it as a weapon when needed. :)

Mallory's next biopsy is on April 17th. She will also have a complete cath done as well. I can't believe it has almost been a year since her transplant. Scott and the kids and I were so thankful we were able to be at home for this Easter. We had a great time with both sets of grandparents on Easter, and the Bunny did find our house. Madison thought he may think we were still in St. Louis, but I told her Santa and the Bunny compare addresses. :) I am going to try to post a picture of Mallory with her cast, so be on the lookout for that!

Some exciting news.....Mallory,and her family, have been asked to be the face of the "Fore Kids" Golf Tourney in Lincoln that raises money for Children's Hospital. She will be doing some public service announcements and get to go the the dinner they have after the tourney. We are honored to be chosen to do this for Children's Hospital.

Take care and I'll update after her next biopsy/cath.


Friday, January 04, 2008


I don't know if anyone is still reading this or not, but I have been told numerous times to "get an update on that blog!" Well, life at the Mueller house has been very busy and eventful since I last wrote. Mallory had another biopsy in October that showed NO rejection, YEAH! She does have a funky liver enzyme thing going on, but we saw a specialist, and he said, no worries, it's just Mallory showing us how special she is. They will continue to monitor this, but are not worried. She is SO busy and acting SO two right now. She is just amazing. Her speach is excellent and she is even putting 5 or 6 word sentences together. She is just as bullheaded as her siblings and can stick up for herself very well. Logan thought it would be cool to teach Mallory how to hit when she doesn't get her way. He learned that it wasn't so cool when she popped him one in the eye with her little fist. That'll teach him!

As some of you may know, we received a letter from Mallory's donor family. Her donor was a little boy named Da'Marcus. He was 6 1/2 months old when he passed. He lived with both his parents, his older brother and his mom was expecting a baby girl in December. We have written a letter to them and are hoping we will hear from them again. Please keep Da'Marcus and his family in your prayers.

Mallory isn't due for another biopsy and heart cath until April. Knowing me, I won't update until then so Happy New Year to all and God's Blessings!

Love, Wendy and the Gang